02380 371677 
(24 hour) 
Family Run Independent Funeral Directors in Winchester, Southampton, Alresford, Chandlers Ford, Eastleigh and New Milton 

Help towards the cost of a funeral from the Social Fund 

At Wessex Funeral Services we accept payments from the Government Social Fund towards the cost of your loved ones funeral. The Social Fund is available for those people on benefits who are organising the funeral of a loved one and we can help you to complete the required forms and apply for the grant. 
The Social Fund is a government scheme to help people on a low income with emergency expenses. 
You qualify for a Funeral Payment if you or your partner are getting any of the following benefits: 
Income Support 
income-related Employment and Support Allowance 
income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance 
Pension Credit 
Housing Benefit (Housing Benefit: England, Scotland, Wales) 
You will not be granted a Funeral Payment just because you are paying for a funeral. The benefits office has to agree that it is reasonable for you to be responsible for the funeral and that there is no one else who should be paying for it. 
If you are claiming for the funeral of your child or partner, you can be paid a Funeral Payment as long as you meet the other qualifying conditions . This applies to lesbian, gay and heterosexual partners. It also applies whether you were married, in a civil partnership or just living together. 
If you are a close relative, family member or a friend of the person who has died, you may be able to get a Funeral Payment, but this will depend whether there are other relatives alive who are not on benefit. 
How much does it pay? 
There is no fixed sum for a Funeral Payment. It covers necessary burial or cremation fees, certain other expenses like the cost of a journey to arrange the funeral and up to £700 for other costs such as the funeral director's fees, the coffin or flowers. However, only up to £120 can be paid in total if the person who died had a pre-paid funeral plan. 
If the Funeral Payment does not cover the full necessary costs of the funeral you will be required to pay the difference. 
At Wessex Funeral Services we offer affordable funerals for all people.